Rosehip Seed Oil

Rosehip Seed Oil is actually considered a carrier oil but because it is such an excellent skin care oil I wanted to make mention of it.

This is probably one of the finest oils available for skin rejuvenation and aging skin. Not only is it one of the most effective wrinkle fighters, but it is very safe and inexpensive. Compared to a lot of other oils Rosehip Seed is quite a late comer to the skin care world.

If there is one natural oil everyone should try, this is the one.

Botanical Name: Rosa rubiginosa

Origin and Description: This natural oil which comes from the seeds of a rose plant native to Chili, has been used for centuries because of its skin healing properties. This rosebush grows wild in the Southern Andes and was somehow kept a secret up until the 80's when scientists first started discovering it's many skin care benefits.

Part of Plant Used: Seeds from a rosebush native to Chile are cold pressed to extract the oil.

Aroma: Not actually being an essential oil, this carrier oil has a very light, pleasant smell that could be mixed with any other oil.

Skin Care Uses and Benefits This is a really powerful oil that is especially suited to maturing or damaged skin.

Rosehip seed is packed full of nutrients that are perfectly suited to skin care. It has a high amount of essential fatty acids, Vitamin E and Vitamin A. Together they stimulate skin cell regeneration and increase collagen and elasticity.

With it's healing properties it is very useful when treating stretch marks, sun damage, scars, burns, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, age spots and wrinkles.

When used everday skin becomes visibly smoother, firmer, healthier and younger. This oil reduces wrinkles, helps reduce pore size and heals and improves the texture of sun damaged skin.

You can use this oil full strength on your skin or add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to it. It is very fast absorbing, fixes dry stressed skin in a jiffy and is totally non-greasy. There is no need for an additional moisturizer if you use Rosehip Seed Oil and this is probably one of the best anti aging treatments you could use on your skin.

This oil blends well with the following: Because this is a carrier oil it would blend well with pretty much any essential oil.

Cautions: Considered a very safe, non toxic oil. If in doubt always consult with your doctor.

To purchase Rosehip Seed Oil

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